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Family Law Office of Cynthia Lauer
Barrister & Solicitor
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How is the process of leaving an abusive marriage different?
Safety is always the top consideration. We always screen for domestic violence and other safety issues, such as threats of violence,...
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If I leave the family home, do I give up all my rights?
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Unbundled Legal Services - cost-effective help with your family law case
"If only he had been nice to Fluffy": Why the little things count in custody cases
How is the process of leaving an abusive marriage different?
Can the children decide for themselves where they want to live?
Do I Really Need to Provide Financial Disclosure?
We're splitting up - what are the first steps I need to take?
If I leave the family home, do I give up all my rights?
Can I lock my spouse out of the matrimonial home?
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